

Climate Health Threat Illustrator

Climate change is a growing health crisis. How can the health sector respond?

Climate change is increasing health risks and costs for people and businesses worldwide — and its effects will intensify over time. Disease burden and disparities are likely to worsen, and major cities expect climate change to seriously compromise their public health assets and services.

Societies and businesses – including healthcare and life sciences – face more frequent and severe disruptions from shocks (such as heatwaves and floods) as well as accumulating strains on capacity and finances from more gradual stresses (such as sea level-rise). Urgent action is needed to build resilience and reduce emissions.

Explore the Climate Health Threat Illustrator:

  • How does climate change impact the health of populations?
  • What are the implications for healthcare, life sciences, employers, and policy makers?
  • How can the health sector respond to risks and opportunities?

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